The Forté 4000 Series weighs small samples and computes the moisture content and of a variety of different products. This series is Fortè’s low cost, compact line of moisture and weight measurement equipment.
The Forté 4000 accurately measures the moisture content of samples of granular, powder, pellet or solid material non-destructively and within one second.
Forté Series 4610 for testing of pharmaceuticals, seeds, dehydrated
food, snack foods, chemicals.
Handheld Terminal
Why Measure Moisture?
An instantaneous, accurate weight and moisture content increases product quality, decreases product loss due to rejects, and frees up personnel to work on other projects.
Other moisture analyzing methods take hours, destroy the sample, require highly trained personnel, are not as accurate and cost a lot more than a Fortè system.
The Fortè 4000 Series has a field proven record for accurately testing nuts, both in and out of shell, pharmaceuticals, seeds, dehydrated foods, snack foods, chemicals and a wide variety of other materials. References can be furnished upon request. The Forté 4000 will increase your productivity and pay for itself. Contact Fortè today to determine how quickly you could see a return on your investment.
 Nuts - In and Out of Shell Why Measure Moisture?
Forté instantly and accurately determines moisture content by using
a harmless electromagnetic field that passes through the product.
The Forté measurement is not a surface measurement. It “sees” 100%
of the product sample. The measurement is taken in one second or less
without contact, heat, or damage to the product.